Children’s Law Center of California is dedicated to providing robust, multidisciplinary representation to our Expecting and Parenting Youth (EPY) clients. In addition to EPY experts and point-people housed within each CLC firm, multiple specialty teams at CLC are dedicated to the unique area of representing EPY clients.
CLC-1’s EPY-CARE program provides intensive case management model and legal advocacy to meet individual EPY client needs. CLC’s Young Parent Support & Advocacy Center (YPSAC) is a prevention program which provides holistic legal representation to EPY clients with an aim of breaking generational cycles of child welfare involvement. CLC’s Family Support & Advocacy Center (FSAC) provides prevention services to parenting clients who are no longer in the foster care system.
At forums such as CLC’s EPY Committee meetings, these teams come together to collaborate and ensure that all of CLC’s EPY clients receive robust, tailored representation to meet needs and achieve goals.