Initially launched in 2020, CLC provides targeted, early intervention support to ensure our expectant and parenting clients have the tools necessary to successfully parent their young children and avoid child welfare involvement.
The Young Parent Support and Advocacy Center (YPSA) program model consists of two Attorneys and three Parent Support Case Managers working as a team on behalf of clients particularly vulnerable to child welfare intervention. The team conducts this work in collaboration with the client’s dependency case-carrying Attorney, Peer Advocates and other specialty teams, and a Program Supervisor. Together, the team works to provide individualized support that is informed and guided by the client’s wants, needs, and goals. By approaching each case through a holistic lens, the YPSA team develops a case plan that motivates the client and provides them with the types of resources and support that will be most impactful for them.
The YPSA model is designed to create a support network that is tailor-made for each client.