Happy Halloween, Friends of CLC! No tricks here, only treats…Read on to learn more about our legisative victories and the lastest from the CLC team in our October E-newsletter.

Governor Signs CLC-Sponsored Legislation

Happy Halloween, Friends of CLC! No tricks here, only treats…

CLC is excited to share that four of our sponsored bills were signed into law this October. We thank our amazing co-sponsors, Governor Newsom, and our bill authors – Assemblymember Rubio, Assemblymember Calderon, Assemblymember Levine, and Senator Skinner – for championing the needs of children and youth in the foster care system. We are proud of these bills and look forward to seeing the changes they will bring about in our clients’ lives.

Thank YOU for supporting CLC as we advocate for our clients not only in the courtroom but also more broadly at the Capitol.

Read on to learn more about these legislative victories.

Recognizing the importance of sibling connections, AB 366 (Rubio) strengthens existing law such that siblings who enter the foster care system must be placed together unless there is a safety risk. We have seen firsthand the unnecessary additional trauma inflicted upon our clients when they are separated from their siblings. This legislation will make an instant and meaningful impact in the day-to-day lives of our clients.

Building on a pilot project launched by CLC last year, AB 670 (Calderon) provides essential protections to parenting foster youth to prevent their children from entering the foster care system. This legislation promotes a strength-based approach for working with young parents to ensure they receive the support they need rather than being unduly scrutinized.

CLC is well versed in the importance of vigorous, competent legal representation for children and parents involved in the child welfare system. We recognize that our clients’ need for counsel extends beyond the dependency courts. Almost all of the undocumented children in the foster care system qualify for immigration relief, but that relief can be challenging to obtain without an attorney. AB 829 (Levine) will help undocumented children and youth in foster care access life-changing immigration legal services.

Grounded in research that children who live with a family member have far better outcomes than those placed in an institutional or non-familial foster care setting, SB 354 (Skinner) removes obstacles that prevent children from being placed with relatives while also ensuring that the placement is safe. One of the bill co-sponsors – who is also a relative caregiver – said it best: “This bill restores hope so that we can restore families.”

Singer/Songwriter Rosi Golan Joins Art of Advocacy Gala!

We are thrilled to announce that critically acclaimed singer/songwriter Rosi Golan will be performing at this year’s annual Art of Advocacy Gala next Thursday, November 4th. There is still time to get your tickets or become a sponsor! Meet our honorees and find sponsorship package details here.

If you have any additional questions, please connect with our Development Manager, Stephanie Talavera.  

Counsel for Kids Campaign!

Children in court need lawyers of their own. We are proud to join the National Association of Counsel for Children’s new campaign, Counsel for Kids. Dedicated to ensuring that children in foster care receive lawyers of their own, the Counsel for Kids campaign will provide technical assistance to state-level stakeholders seeking to guarantee the right to counsel for children and youth in dependency cases. From babies to young adults, youth in court should be seen, heard, and represented. Join us in working to ensure that every child in foster care has a lawyer of their own.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month!  

Domestic violence is a devastating social problem that affects every segment of the population, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, or ethnicity. Research suggests that child maltreatment and domestic violence co-occur in an estimated 30 to 60 percent of cases. As a result, many families experiencing domestic violence also come to the attention of the child welfare system. Because of this intersection, child welfare and domestic violence service providers have begun to work together toward the common goals of ensuring safety and preserving families.

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